Fund Portfolio

Fund typeFoundedNAVAUMCurrencyInvestment strategy

NOVA Green Energy Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Investment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)January 201358 mil. EUR96 mil. EUR CZK, EUR
The sea of ​​floating plastics in the Atlantic, the extinction of animal and plant species, the polluted environment, the reduction of drinking water supplies, the clearing of forests in the Amazon, high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere around the world.

NOVA Real Estate Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Investment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)Aug 2015111 M EUR227 mil. EUR CZK, EUR
Equity investments and subordinated debt in real estate companies engaged in commercial and retail properties

NOVA Green Energy

NOVA Green Energy Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Fund typeInvestment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)

FoundedJanuary 2013

NAV58 mil. EUR

AUM96.0 mil. EUR

CurrencyCZK, EUR

Investment strategyThe sea of ​​floating plastics in the Atlantic, the extinction of animal and plant species, the polluted environment, the reduction of drinking water supplies, the clearing of forests in the Amazon, high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere around the world.

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NOVA Real Estate

NOVA Real Estate Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Fund typeInvestment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)

FoundedAug 2015


AUM227.0 mil. EUR

CurrencyCZK, EUR

Investment strategyEquity investments and subordinated debt in real estate companies engaged in commercial and retail properties

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No subscription

Fund typeFoundedNAVAUMCurrencyInvestment strategy

NOVA Green Energy - Subfund 1 Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Investment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)Feb 201358 mil. EUR58 mil. EUR CZK, EUR
Equity investments and subordinated debt in medium-sized companies operating in the renewable energy sector.

NOVA Money Market Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Investment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)Jan 201611.8 M EUR14 mil. EUR CZK, EUR
Financial instruments, receivables within Arca Capital Group


Investment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)Jan 20128,2 M EUR8.2 mil. EUR CZK
Private equity, stocks, corporate bonds, receivables

NOVA Green Energy - Subfund 1

NOVA Green Energy - Subfund 1 Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Fund type Investment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)

FoundedFeb 2013

NAV58 mil. EUR

AUM58.0 mil. EUR

CurrencyCZK, EUR

Investment strategyEquity investments and subordinated debt in medium-sized companies operating in the renewable energy sector.

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NOVA Money Market

NOVA Money Market Investment fund with variable basic capital, a.s.

Fund typeInvestment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)

FoundedJan 2016


AUM14.0 mil. EUR

CurrencyCZK, EUR

Investment strategyFinancial instruments, receivables within Arca Capital Group

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Fund typeInvestment Fund of Qualified Investors (SICAV)

FoundedJan 2012


AUM8.2 mil. EUR


Investment strategyPrivate equity, stocks, corporate bonds, receivables

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Data update to 31.7.2022