Performance of Redside funds in February 2021

Our funds continued their winning streak in February. Those that are partially or completely tied to the stock markets did exceptionally well.

Performance of Redside funds in February 2021

The production of photovoltaic power plants from the NOVA Green Energy fund has been below the value of the energy audit in recent months, specifically in January by 2% lower. Biogas stations and the biomass heating plant in Krnče were at the expected average. Government restrictions on retail have a relatively limited effect on NOVA Real Estate's portfolio as a whole, as the retail portion of the portfolio is predominantly concentrated in the hyper and supermarket segments. ARCA OPPORTUNITY Sub-Fund 1 owes a positive performance to both equities and income from receivables for private equity projects.

All results are not audited yet.

At the same time, on websites of individual funds, you will find February reports:

Reporting NOVA Green Energy

Reporting NOVA Real Estate

Reporting NOVA Money Market

Reporting ARCA OPPORTUNITY – podfond 1